natural deduction

美 [ˈnætʃrəl dɪˈdʌkʃn]英 [ˈnætʃrəl dɪˈdʌkʃn]
  • 网络自然演绎
natural deductionnatural deduction
  1. Abstract operator logic and its natural deduction system


  2. Using natural deduction rules , Isabelle provides a generic framework for developing theorem proving systems .


  3. A Non-Monotonic Heuristic Natural Deduction System Category B contains six types .


  4. N_l : a loose natural deduction system of temporal logic


  5. First , an extended natural deduction system of the programming logic is established and then its completeness is proved .


  6. This paper presented an automated reasoning algorithm for natural deduction system ( NR ) of relevance propositional logic .


  7. The conditions satisfied for the existential instantiation and the universal generalization in the natural deduction system are described clear , whereas they are described rather vaguely in many textbooks on discrete mathematics .


  8. Using operator to model constraints , this paper researches such abstract operator logic , analyzes its syntax , semantics , axiomatic system , its natural deduction system and its normalized natural deduction system , provide the theoretical foundation for constrict analysis of hierarchy system .
